This is the list of hot key combinations available in IRT Cronista:


F1 to open IRT Cronista help system;

F2 to rename an item;

F5 to refresh files, folders and their pictures;

F7 to switch to the standard layout;

F8 to switch to the filmstrip layout;

F9 to switch to the dual layout;


CTRL+A to select all items in the current folder;

CTRL+C to copy an item;

CTRL+D to disconnect one or more pares of wrongly connected visual and infrared images;

CTRL+E to open the contents of the current folder in Windows Explorer;

CTRL+F to show or hide the Folders Tree window;

CTRL+G to link a visual image to an infrared;

CTRL+I to invert selection;

CTRL+P to print images from the current folder;

CTRL+S to save changes for the active item;

CTRL+SHIFT+S to save changes made to all images in current folder;

CTRL+V to paste an item;

CTRL+X to cut/move an item;

CTRL+Z to undo your last action;

CTRL+Y to redo the undone action;


CTRL+SHIFT+I to show or hide the Infoview window (in the Organizer mode) or the Analysis Details window (in the Analyzer mode);

CTRL+SHIFT+T to show or hide the Temperature Scale window (in both modes);

CTRL+SHIFT+W to show or hide the Preview window (in the Organizer mode) or Image Thumbnails (in the Analyzer mode);


ALT+Left Arrow to go to the previously viewed folder;

ALT+Right Arrow to go to the next folder.