Monitoring window (current kiln state)

To print the contents of the Monitoring window, select Extras / Print Current Kiln State in the main menu. Same result can be achieved by using the Print link at the top of the kiln image view (or the 3D kiln view):

Normally everything you see in the monitoring window will be present on the print out: the kiln image, the horizontal profile, the temperature trend, the rotation/tire slip/bearings view, the alarms list and the thickness/coating diagram. There is a hack that can be used to hide some unneeded parts - Linescano.ini:


print_kiln_state_show_right_part = 1; shows or hides the alarms list and the thickness/coating diagram

print_kiln_state_show_bottom_part = 1; shows or hides the rotation/tire slip/bearings view


Tire slip window, burning zone window, bearings window

Each of those windows has a Print link at the top part.