Data from every monitoring window or trend graph can be copied to the clipboard or saved in a file on disk in CSV/TXT/PNG/JPEG formats. Right click on a window and use Copy to Clipboard or Export menu.

export context menu

CSV and TXT formats are similar but have the following differences:

·CSV is supposed to be directly opened in Microsoft Excel. Excel uses different column separators depending on Windows locale settings (it can be comma or semi-colon);

·CSV format stores data using date format and units specified in IRT KilnMonitor settings;

·TXT uses locale and settings independent format: column separator is always 'tab', time is UTC and in yyyy-MM-dd format, temperature is in Celsius.

Automatic kiln image export

It is possible to define a simple schedule to save several kiln shell images. In Monitoring screen, use main menu Extra | Automatic Kiln Image Export.

When export is started, the current kiln image is saved. After that every kiln rotation is saved if it meets the time interval condition.

automatic kiln shell image export

Filename prefix: file names will have this prefix;

Filename format: Index (prefix + number) or Timestamp (prefix + time stamp in format "yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm-ss");

Export format: Excel (CSV), Text, PNG, JPEG, Binary or Infrared Image;

Time interval: minimum interval between saved images, set to zero to save every kiln rotation;

Number of images: you can limit the number of saved images; if the check box is not marked, images will be saved infinitely.

Binary image format

Little endian

4 bytes, integer: image width

4 bytes, integer: image height

Width x Height x 4 bytes, float: image pixel temperature values

Infrared Image format

Usually has IRSU extension. These images can be open in specialized infrared software like ThermoView for additional thermal analysis.