To display the Settings dialog, on the start-up screen press Settings button or choose System / Program Settings in the main menu.

settings dialog

Here you can modify the following settings:

Color theme: Windows default or Dark. Dark theme is supported in Windows 10 and later. Only monitoring windows will use dark mode, configuration windows are always displayed with Windows default theme.

Alternative monitoring view layout: it is about the relative position of the horizontal profile and the kiln image. Alternative is when the kiln image is at the top and the horizontal profile in at the bottom.

Temperature unit: Celsius, Kelvin or Fahrenheit.

Linear unit: Metric (m/mm), Imperial (ft/inch) or Centimeters (cm/cm) measure of lengths. Large lengths, like the kiln length or a scanner distance are displayed using the first unit in the brackets; small lengths, like tire slip or brick thickness are displayed using the second unit.

Date format: dd.MM.yyyy; MM/dd/yyyy; yyyy-MM-dd.

Passwords allows to limit access to different functions of the program with passwords.

Run IRT KilnMonitor when Windows starts: if selected, this option instructs Windows to automatically start the application when Windows starts (upon user logon).

Start monitoring when program starts: automatically switch to the monitoring window and start monitoring of all kilns when program is restarted. If this option is not enabled, kiln monitoring will not start when program starts and the operator will need to start kiln monitoring manually.


Changes in the settings will be applied only after the program restart.