Access to different functions of the system can be protected by passwords. There are two access levels: Level 1 and Level 2.

Without getting the appropriate password, only the read-only access is granted.

Level 1

Is required to start and to stop kiln monitoring, also it is needed to change the alarm setup and other kiln parameters which are necessary to change during the kiln run:

·Alarms including rings alarms;

·Alarm suppression;

·History storage setup;

·Inner temperature of the kiln;

·Brick thickness map.

Level 2

In addition to the areas accessible by Level 1 password, Level 2 password allows to modify the configuration:



Changing passwords

To change passwords IRT KilnMonitor must be run with Windows administrator rights. Also you need to enter the current Level 2 password.

Close all monitoring windows to get to the Start-up screen and select System / Change Passwords in the main menu.

passwords dialog

To remove password protection, use empty passwords.

Forgotten passwords

If you have forgotten your Level 2 password, you can use the Master password to set new passwords. Please contact your distributor to know the master password.

Configuring password protected features

It is possible to configure which functions are password protected by modifying corresponding parameters in Linescano.ini.



; password will not be asked if a protected feature is accessed within this time (seconds) after the password was entered.

password_work_time_s = 300

; configurable protected features and their password levels

temperature_scale = 1

monitoring_start = 0

monitoring_stop = 1

acknowledge_alarms = 1

For example, if you want IRT KilnMonitor to ask Level 1 password every time kiln monitoring is started, you should set monitoring_start parameter value to 1.