To show Rotation / Tire slip history window use main menu Monitoring | Rotation / Tire Slip History.

tire slip history

To select displayed history period press Period button:

tire slip trend menu

You can select one of the predefined "Last something" periods or set the dates you need by using Select Dates menu.

trend history period selection

To select dates, click on the begin date and holding the mouse button move the mouse to the end date. Make dialog window bigger to be able to select larger periods.

If you select a large period (more than a year) IRT KilnMonitor might not be able to load all the data. In this case the resulting period will be cut.

History cursor

Click on the diagram to show the cursor.

·Tire slip and rotation data that corresponds to the cursor position is displayed above the diagrams.

·You can move cursor using the mouse. Also with the mouse you can drag the trend to move the displayed period.

·Use the mouse wheel to change the time scale and see smaller or bigger periods.