IRT Analyzer can convert a temperature measurement into analog output signal.

To configure analog outputs, open Automation Mode setup dialog (main menu 'Automation | Automation Mode') and select 'Measurement Outputs' tab. You will see the list of all currently setup analog outputs:

1 Analog outputs list

Use 'Add' button under the list to create new measurement output entry.

2 Analog outputs list output dialog


Name for the output as it will be displayed on screen.

Analysis object

Object which measurement will be used as source for the output value.


Object's measurement (for example, temperature maximum or deviation or area) used for the output.

Time shift

To use a historical measurement, set a time shift value in seconds.

Output port

Output port name on the connected DAQ adapter.

Range min / max

Temperature range which is mapped to the available output range (e.g. current 4..20 mA) of the output port.

Default value

Measurement value used when the output did not have chance to update (for example, conditions for update were not yet met).

Image panel

If selected, the output value will be updating only when specified image panel is updating. See Multi-image composition for details about image panels.