Thermo Reports toolbar is not present in Microsoft Word.

You cannot find Thermo Reports tab among other tabs in Microsoft Word. When the tab is not present, report generation will not work either.

Possible cause: ThermoReport Add-In was disabled by Word. This sometimes happens when Word decides that this add-in is causing problems. The solution is to go to Word Options (menu 'File > Options > Add-ins') and check that ThermoReport AddIn is not disabled.

Then you can always try to reinstall IRT Analyzer and ThermoReport WordAddin:

1.Uninstall IRT Analyzer

2.Uninstall ThermoReport WordAddin (64 or 32 bit).

3.Install IRT Analyzer.

An error occurs during report generation

Actual errors can be different. In most cases this means that something is wrong with your Microsoft Office installation. First thing you need to try is to repair Office installation (please look in the Internet for detailed steps for how to do it).

If repairing of Office installation did not help, here is what you can try next (requires advanced Windows user skills for editing registry):


Removing Outdated References to Office from the System Registry

Uninstalling old versions of Microsoft Office can sometimes leave behind "orphan" keys in the System Registry. These references to products that are no longer installed can prevent Thermo Report add-in from working correctly with Microsoft Word — you may see error messages such as "Library not registered", "Interface not registered", or "Object variable or with block variable not set".

To remove the outdated references, you will need to edit the System Registry, as detailed below. Please proceed as follows:

1.Close all Office applications (Word, Excel, Outlook, Project, …).

2.Click Start » Run, type regedit and click OK.

Keys for Office

1. Click on 'Computer' at the top of the left-hand panel, then press Ctrl+F to bring up the search window. Paste the following string, including the {}, into the search window:


Mark the 'Keys' and 'Match whole string only' check boxes; clear 'Values' and 'Data'.

2.Click the + sign to expand the key. You will see one or more sub-keys:

2.3 for Office 2003

2.4 for Office 2007

2.5 for Office 2010

2.6 and 2.7 for Office 2013 

2.8 for Office 2016 (2.6 and 2.7 are okay for Office 2016 as well, if there is a reference to Office16)

3.Identify the key(s) that do not match version(s) of Office you actually have installed on your PC. If all of them do match installed Office versions, omit steps 4 and 5.

4.You are about to delete the key(s) that correspond to versions of Microsoft Office that you do not have. For safety's sake, you may want to back them up first. Right-click on {2DF8D04C-5BFA-101B-BDE5-00AA0044DE52}, select Export, and save the file where you'll be able to find it.

5.Right-click the '2.something' key that does not match, select 'Delete', and confirm the deletion. Repeat for each '2.something' key that does not belong.

6.The {2DF8D04C-5BFA-101B-BDE5-00AA0044DE52} key can occur in more places. Usually they all have the same sub-keys, but not always, so you need to examine every instance. Tap the F3 key to get to each of the others in turn. For each one, repeat steps 2 through 5 (click the + sign, export the key to a new file, and delete the orphaned 2.something entries).

7.Close the Registry Editor.

Keys for Word

Repeat the above steps also for key {00020905-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}.

8.3 for Office 2003 (not sure)

8.4 for Office 2007 (not sure)

8.5 for Office 2010 (not sure)

8.6 Office 2013

8.7 for Office 2016


After that report generation should run correctly.