With IRT KilnMonitor you can also monitor temperature of additional kiln parts. Normally this function is used to monitor bearings, hence the name of the function. But it is possible to monitor temperature of any other object, not only bearings.


You need to enter the names of controlled objects and configure pyrometers that will be used as temperature meters for each object. This is done on the Installation page:

bearings in installation

bearings list dialog

Display name - name that will appear as a caption everywhere the list of objects is displayed (the monitoring window, reports, etc.).

By pressing Add, you add the next object. Each object needs a name and at least one pyrometer associated with it.

bearing edit dialog

Each object can be monitored by up to 3 pyrometers. The resulting object temperature is the maximum temperature of all 3 measurements.


To define allowed temperature limits for each object, go to the Alarms page, Other alarms window: