Standard Layout

IRT KilnMonitor gives possibility to save the current windows layout as the standard in order to return back to it quickly at any time. The Standard Layout is also used when the application is restarted.

standard layout buttonAt any time you can switch back to the standard layout with just one click – on the corresponding button in the toolbar.

Saving current layout as the Standard Layout

To save current windows layout as the standard layout:

·adjust the measurement screen as you need it and

·in the main menu click View / Save Current Layout as Standard. This command is protected by Level 1 password (see Passwords).

The following parameters are remembered:

·Monitoring windows: number and positions.

·Kiln view mode: Temperature map 2D or one of the 3D modes.

·Kiln view, reference view and side view sizes.

·If it is a 3D mode: kiln view parameters - scene orientation, section position and so on.

·Reference view settings: what is displayed and the way it is displayed. But not the history reference time. The reference time is remembered individually for every opened tab.

·Thickness/ Coating, Refractory, Burning zone view, Rotation / Tire slip trend: visibility and sizes.

The standard layout is the same for all data sources, that is for remotely monitored kilns and for history tabs.


Temperature scale parameters (range and palette) are not saved in the layout. To define default temperature scale parameters, use the Temperature scale configuration dialog.