IRT Cronista generates reports in the format of Microsoft Word documents. Thermal analysis, comments, annotations, infrared images and linked to them visual images are stored together and handled in IRT Cronista. Then all this data can be sent to a report.

These are the main advantages of this approach:

§Thermal analysis is performed in a convenient and specially designed IRT Cronista workspace.

§Fast report creation: routine, recurring tasks IRT Cronista takes over.

§The report is a single file in the widely used Microsoft Word format that can be easily sent to a customer or converted to another form.

§Pictures, diagrams and data in the report are active, which means that at any time, if you find an error, you can return the picture with the analysis back to IRT Cronista and correct them.

§With the Thermo Reports extension in Microsoft Word IRT Cronista helps you create your own custom report templates.

§You can export not only pictures and diagrams to a report, but also any analysis data in text form.

For further information see the following topics:

Generating reports using templates

Editing generated reports