To generate a report using a template, you need a report template. You can use one of the templates installed with IRT Cronista or create your own (see Managing report templates for details).
Before creating a report, in IRT Cronista link visual images to infrared, prepare annotations and comments and make thermographic analysis of images you need to have in the report.
To generate the report for all images in the active folder: 1.Choose Create Report for Folder from the Tools menu or push 2.Select a report template by clicking on it in the list of available templates. 3.Click the Run button. IRT Cronista will go through all infrared images in the folder and export them into the report, showing the progress in Report Generator dialog. 4.Now your report is ready! It is opened in Microsoft Word, you can change whatever you need and save the document, by specifying a location where to save it. |
Order of images in a report
Images in the report will appear in the same order as they are displayed in the folder. To change order of images in a folder use menu View | Arrange Icons By.
For further information see the following topics: