The Analyzer mode performs thermal analysis of infrared images.

To switch to the Analyzer mode click its button in the toolbar:


IRT Cronista has various measurement tools to present thermal information contained in an infrared image. The measurement tools are:

§Under cursor spot temperature tool to know the temperature at any point in the image quickly;

§Spot temperature tool to display the temperature value at a point in the image;

§Line tool to be used as a graphical object that displays the maximum, minimum and average temperatures along a line;

§Profile diagram to display the temperature profile along a line;

§Area tool to display the maximum, minimum and average temperatures within an area;

§Histogram diagram to display the temperature distribution in an area;

§Trends to analyze temperature change over time;

§Prognosis function to predict the direction and rate of temperature change;

§Connection tool to show the difference between other two measurements;

§Hot and cold spot finder tool to automatically locate problem zones in the image;

§Dew Point to locate zones of dew accumulation;

§Fusion of infrared and visual images;

§Labels for identifying objects in the image.

It is possible to change temperature calculation parameters (emissivity, reflected temperature and others) for the entire image and also for each measurement object individually.

The results from all these tools can be presented in report which are generated automatically by templates.

Every picture or graph can be copied and pasted into documents in other applications.

For further information see chapters:

§Analyzer mode windows

§Measurement objects