Kilns can be configured only on the server PC. Configuration is not possible in IRT KilnMonitor clients where kiln data is received from the server remotely through the network.

To open the configuration dialog, press Configure button on the start-up screen or select Configuration / Configure Kilns in the main menu.

System configuration includes configuration of one or more kilns. Every kiln configuration has Installation, Refractory, Alarms and History parts. There is also configuration area that contains settings common for all kilns (Common Settings).


The system configuration can be password protected. In this case, a dialog box appears on the screen asking you to enter the password. Enter the password you were given, or leave the password field blank. In the second case, you will be not allowed to change the configuration settings, you can only view them.


When Configuration window is opened, data received from scanners and other kiln monitoring devices is not processed (alarm conditions are not checked, tire slip values are not calculated, history storage is disabled, monitoring windows are not updated).

In the configuration window for every monitored kiln you should define four sets of settings:

1.Installation: parameters and dimensions of the kiln, number and positions of scanners and pyrometers, resulting image size, tire slip monitoring and alarm output devices, burning zone monitoring hardware. See Setting up the kiln and monitoring hardware for details.

2.Refractory: brick zones, special zones, drillings and shell repairs. See Setting up kiln refractory for details.

3.Alarms: reference envelope profile and alarm zones, tire slip and other alarms. See Setting up alarms for details.

4.History: parameters of historical storage of the kiln state. See Setting up history storage for details.